Friday, December 19, 2008

We got slammed!

....With snow over the last two days and I am stuck at home for 4 days straight which is a good thing since I have TONS to do. to put this into perspective the bird bath is standing on a stump that is about a foot high and the bird bath itself is 3 feet high!


&rew said...

Oh my goodness! That's a LOT of snow! We got slammed in NJ also, but we didn't get as much as you did. Merry Christmas! &rew

Unknown said...

WOW! That is definitely a LOT of snow!!! Stay warm and Merry CHRISTmas!!

nancy y said...

oh yeah you did! I talked to my sister Friday night in Spokane, everything shut down for the day and she had to go shovel at my folks house since they are staying warm down in Phoenix!

Stay warm Mary Jo and Merry Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

I remember snows like that when we lived in Alaska! Do you shovel, blow or plow (or pay someone!)

Have a wonderful holiday!

Dark side Connie