Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Cleaning stencils

A constant question in using stencils is how to clean them. Here is what I do ......
Put the stencils in warm shallow water filled sink
Get a steel wool pad
Start scrubbing till all the acrylic is off
Thats it
The hard part is catching the solid acrylic paint before it goes down the drain......
a good sink strainer is all you need here.


Camille said...

I find that using hand sanitizer works great and no scrubbing. I might have to use my finger to rub a little but I can't imagine using steel wool on it.
I buy big bottle at the Dollar store.

Camille said...

My Bad. I thought you were talking about the plate itself. Good idea for the stencils.

Anna said...

I just soak mine overnight in a dishpan of Dawn Dishwashing liquid.(The foamy oxygenated pump)
I leave them overnight and then the next morning most of the paint just rubs right off and the rest I can rub right off with my fingers.

Maryjo McGraw said...

Unfortunately for me I am not the only one using my stencils LOL so I need a little more scrub on mine!
Hand sanitizer work also because of the alcohol...you could soak really tough ones in alcohol alone but usually just a soapy water soak works too.

donna sloma said...

By all means, go to Lowe's or Home Depot and get a bottle of Krud Kutter! It sprays on, and you let it sit for a few minutes. rub gently to remove(and not damage the stencil)and rinse! Also great on those paintbrushes that don't get rinsed and get all hardened!

JoelMcBride said...

What?! Cleaning stencils - am I supposed to do that?!!

Maryjo McGraw said...

only if you want to Joel!

Maryjo McGraw said...

BTW there is no damage to the stencils when using steel wool.

Anonymous said...

Put a coffee filter into the drain basket before putting the stopper in so it will catch the paint. I have septic so that's what I do with any paint washing in any sink.

Maryjo McGraw said...

I love that coffee filter idea!